The information that you provide on this application must be true and complete. It is a violation of federal and state criminal law to make false statements on an application for housing assistance. If you do not understand a question, please ask your housing representative.
Be advised that the PHA will conduct criminal background checks and sex offender registration checks on all adult household members, including live-in aides.
In order to qualify for Public Housing an applicant must:
Be a family as defined in the housing agency’s Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy. The (ACOP) plan is either posted or available at the housing agency office.
Meet the HUD requirements on citizenship or immigration status.
Have an annual income at the time of admission that does not exceed the income limits established by HUD. These income limits are posted in the housing agency’s office.
Provide documentation of Social Security numbers for all family members, or certify that they do not have Social Security numbers.
Meet student eligibility requirements.
Pay any money owed to the PHA or any other housing authority.
Not be subject to lifetime sex offender registration requirements.
Sign authorization forms so that the PHA can verify the various eligibility requirements.
Not have any household members who are engaged in any criminal activity that threatens the life, health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents, and not have any household members who are engaged in any drug-related or violent criminal activity.